Free Bitrix24 Business Process & Project Management

Free Bitrix24 Business Process & Project Management


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes, and Technology trying to understand a company’s customers. It is an integrated approach to managing relationships with a focus on customer retention and relationship development. CRM has evolved from developments in Information Technology and organizational changes in customer-oriented processes. Companies that successfully implement CRM will be rewarded in terms of customer loyalty and long-term profitability. It provides an overview of the core functions of the Bitrix24 system as a cloud networking solution that integrates customer relationship management (CRM) with all of the company’s information systems.

Bitrix24 is an integrated business system that connects multiple information systems belonging to various business processes within the company as an intranet network in the cloud.

The basic system is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system that supports marketing and sales business functions, requiring the collaboration of all departments of the Company [1].

As for the purpose and use of such systems [2], Bitrix24 is a composite system for Customer Relationship Management, and this system:

Supports collaboration and communication with customers, partners, and suppliers,
Enables the establishment of employee communication and cooperation between the organizational structure of the company
Supports business process automation.
Bitrix24 is a business network based on the principles of the social network paradigm. At the heart of the system is activity feed as a basic form of interaction between employees. Each employee can see the latest news and track and interact with changes occurring within the company. Through this interface, you can easily plan an event, organize a survey, upload files, and/or create a post as part of a project management Dec.

Functions of requests (for business trip approval from the customer, permission approval, purchase requests, etc.) optimization forms in the interface can serve as an integral part of human decency (HR) and Accounting Information Systems.

CRM system

Bitrix24 offers easy automation through the default workflow or by creating a customized workflow as a CRM system.

It can include various actions on elements of the system; such as sending emails, assigning responsible persons, performing tasks; and operations of the general document management system: from record management to archiving. Based on leading management methodology, the system serves as a bridge between marketing and sales information systems.

Leads, a CRM object representing their interest in a product or service to a buyer, typically the organization’s marketing strategy and the various sales channels (website, social networks and direct sales channels, etc.) is the result of his actions. It is prioritized according to the level of qualification and probability of realization on the system. At the end of a transaction, leads may qualify as junk or quality leads.

Agreements are system objects of sales, business processes that involve interaction with a buyer regarding a transaction. Agreements proceed through the system with a series of customizable States issued by the system or customized according to a workflow, resulting in a closed sale (won or lost). At this stage of the sales process, the system offers the opportunity to create a quote together with the dispatch invoice as two new objects in the system as accounting operations.

Project and task management
Bitrix24 integrates with the project management system by clearly following the specified stages of the lead management and sales process within its own structure through the system for organizing operational processes in sales. At the system adjustment stage, the clear organizational structure of departments and functional units is determined, while the organization follows the same structure for adjusting the internal communication system. Each unit can be set up as a single working group, subsystem network, where collaboration and work are documented in the activity flow, in which employees in it have all the functions of the entire system. Projects are also structured through working groups, allowing teams consisting of employees from different units and different functions to be created with the same document management panel. When a new version of the document is installed, the previous one is not deleted but is stored so that it is always available, and the recorded history gives information about the time the version was created and the user who created it.

Documents in the cloud, locally on the computer or text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations by providing tools for Google Docs and Microsoft Office Online is edited and saved in a cloud, and easily and also all event records are indexed, messages or system is subjected to search for objects. By creating a project task, the time management option is enabled, which tracks the task duration and provides transparent performance reports of the project at any time. Employees can enter and record absentee days independently through the system. Reports can also be generated for each department and each employee on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis supporting HR management.

Product catalog

The Bitrix24 system consists of a product catalog, which is an important part of the customer relationship and sales process. Products can be categorized into sections and have several adjustment options (tax rates, units of measurement, currency) in the system and customization options for Fields and attributes. They are easily linked to possible sales and deal objects in the system and give a more detailed view of the Realized Sales.

Management support
One of the biggest benefits of CRM system implementation is management. Advanced reporting provides planning. Bitrix24 provides a detailed statistical report of sales business processes according to individual components, objects, their status, and responsible persons. There are also embedded reports based on products, activities, and invoices sent, revenues generated.

Free Bitrix24 Crm

Bitrix24 is a comprehensive free CRM system that can be used online and as self-hosted software installed on your own server. If you select this option, you can also access open-source code. The cloud version of Bitrix24 has no limits other than 12 users(unlimited during the pandemic) and 5 GB of online storage – you get unlimited leads, contacts, companies, deals, products, quotes, invoices, and email marketing. Bitrix24 is also the only free CRM system that comes with an integrated call center, so you can make and receive phone calls from your CRM/CRM as soon as you sign up.


The Bitrix24 system takes a different approach to its organizations by incorporating social network elements into communication and collaboration processes. Although primarily designed to support sales and customer relationships, the system, document management, and Information Systems project management, human resources, accounting, and business management functions, including the functions of the product catalog by the broader determines; the automation of the relevant activities is provided. Guided by project management principles, the system analyzes complex processes down to the accompanying simple processes.

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